Date: November 30th 2010

Conservative Resources by J.P. Travis at

Didn't we win the Cold War?

What happened? Somehow we won the Cold War but never got the spoils.

Twenty years after winning, we’ve got Russian billionaires buying up the world, incessant pictures of bare-chested Vladimir Putin doing stuff like fly-fishing and swimming in Siberian rivers, and a brand new arms control treaty that gives away American missile defense. What the…!?

Short history lesson: the Soviet Union and the United States were allies at the end of World War II, but wary of each other. The communists had more in common with the Nazis than the Americans. In fact, Stalin and Hitler signed a treaty dividing up Europe one week prior to the onset of the war. Stalin and Hitler were natural buddies – both of them were ruthless socialist dictators intent upon spreading misery to the rest of the world, and they both enjoyed massacring Jews as a hobby...

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