Date: October 25th 2010

Conservative Resources by J.P. Travis at

RINO stampede

The rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) is an odd-toed ungulate, massive in size, with thick skin and a relatively small brain. The most abundant subspecies is the white rhino, where the word “white” is mistranslation of the Dutch word “wijd” which means wide and referred to its big mouth, not color.

Regardless of their names, white rhinos and black rhinos are much the same color, and that color has mostly to do with whatever they decided to roll around in that day… sun-dried grayish piles of elephant dung being a particular favorite.

White rhinos live in groups called crashes, eat grass, and mark their territory with well-defined piles of excrement, because nothing says “here I am” like a neatly stacked little tower of rhino poop...

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