Date: March 7th 2010

Conservative Resources by J.P. Travis at

Bill O'Reilly: the dishonesty factor

I don’t like Bill O’Reilly. Yeah, yeah, I know he’s got the flagship program on the Fox News Channel, the only news channel on television that takes a swing at objectivity, but that doesn’t excuse his dishonesty.

Basically, he’s no different than Katie Couric... which I know is an ugly thing to say, but I'm saying it anyway. His ideology is different, but he’s exactly the same in the way that every “position” he takes hews to his ideology rather than to the facts. Call me crazy, but I wish people involved with news and commentary would stop taking “positions” and stop defending “positions” and just stick to the damn facts.

Is that too much to ask?

Case in point: last week O’Reilly wrote a column defending his position that Barack Obama is not a socialist. What a silly thing...

(read the rest here:

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